MedCare我們提供24小時的病情諮詢及緊急醫療運送服務,瞭解病患的病情後根據實際醫療需求提供費用預算以作國內外的醫療運送安排。為符合病患的醫療需求及確保服務圓滿達成,我們從專業的護送團隊、接收醫院等因素規劃最有效率的醫療運送安排。.我們於不同國家均擁有完善的醫療網絡,可按客戶的要求轉送至其他國家接受專業的醫療服務。與數家航空公司合作有適合長短途的專門救援飛機。配合本公司的專業醫療團隊及救援設備,除國內各省及亞洲外,亦可遠征歐洲、美加以及中南美洲等地,必能為病危或受傷的人士提供舒適及適當的護送服務 />
Airbus EC-135
The Airbus Helicopters H135 (formerly Eurocopter EC135) is a twin-engine civil light utility helicopter produced by Airbus Helicopters, formerly Eurocopter. It is capable of flight under instrument flight rules (IFR) and is outfitted with a digital automatic flight control system (AFCS).
EC-135 Equipment
·ABucket-type support with vacuum mattress ·Emergency rucksack with special equipment ·Portable intensive-care transport respirator Oxygen; ·Artificial respiration bag with demand valve, as well as vacuum pumps·Multi-function monitoring·Bi-phase defibrillator, as well as external cardiac pacemakers
EC-135 Technical data
Cruise Speed: 200 km/h Range: 620 km Engine(s): 2 x Arrius 2B2 Service ceiling: 6.096 m
Bombardier Learjet 60
The Bombardier Learjet 60 combines all the important criteria for an ambulance aircraft: long range, spacious cabin, and reliability. This makes this ambulance jet ideal for transporting seriously ill patients. The jet's medical equipment ensures the best possible patient care on board and the medical crew, specially trained in ambulance flights, stays at the patient's side during the entire flight.
Learjet 60 Equipment
·Ventilator ·Monitoring ·Rescue Suction Unit ·Perfusors ·Infusion Pumps ·ECMO / IABP Bracket ·Ultrasound equipment ·External Pacemaker ·Portable incubator ·Ventilator
Learjet 60 Technical data
Cruise Speed: 780 km/h Range: 4.200 km Engine(s): 2 x PW305A Service ceiling: 15.545 m
Hawker 900XP
The combination of these properties is extremely rare and very advantageous when it comes to ambulance flights, as it allows patients to be picked up from anywhere in the world and dropped off as close as possible to their destination. This reduces stress for patients since long road journeys and time-consuming refuelling stops are not necessary.
Hawker 900XP Equipment
·Ventilator ·Monitoring ·Rescue Suction Unit ·Perfusors ·Infusion Pumps ·ECMO / IABP Bracket ·Ultrasound equipment ·External Pacemaker ·Portable incubator ·Ventilator
Hawker 900XP Technical data
Cruise Speed: 700 km/h Range: 4.890 km Engine(s): 2 x Honeywell TFE731-5BR Service ceiling: 12.497 m